Arena Polo World Cup starts in Baku

The Arena Polo World Cup officially opened in Azerbaijan. Four teams, including Great Britain`s Bentley, USA`s Mont Blanc, Argentinean Chopard and European Baltika will compete in the tournament, whose slogan is "Bringing Polo Home".
Chovgan, the original form of the polo sporting game that dates back thousands of years, is still played in Azerbaijan, but the modern version of the sport has not yet managed to gain a foothold in the land on the Caspian Sea.
The Arena Polo World Cup will be held in the new Outdoor Polo Arena at the Elite Equestrian Centre in Baku. The event`s highlights will include a friendly game between the Azerbaijani team Chovgan and one of the competing teams.
The three-day tournament is being presented by the Azerbaijani food company Milla together with World Polo GmbH and local partners.
The organizers, to represent this exclusive and exciting event on the royal equestrian sports at a high level, included expanded entertainment programs and parties featuring international celebrities in the show.

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