Azerbaijan national field hockey team scoop silver of Special Olympics World Games

Azerbaijan national field hockey team has won the silver medal of the Special Olympics World Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea.
On the way to the final, the Azeri national team defeated Italians 1:0, Gibraltar 7:1 and draw with the Swedish 0:0.
Azerbaijan lost 0-2 to Egypt in the final game.
The Special Olympics World Winter Games PyeongChang 2013 is an occasion for 2,300 athletes with intellectual disabilities from more than 112 countries to compete in an atmosphere of acceptance and dignity - showing how they, through sports, bring justice, build acceptance, foster inclusion and change the world.
The first Special Olympic World Games took place in 1968 and since then have evolved into a world-class sporting event. Alternating between Summer Games and Winter Games, Special Olympics World Games bring public attention to the talents and capabilities of people with intellectual disabilities, helping change attitudes and break down barriers that excluded them from the mainstream of the community.

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