Half million signatures collected to support Baku-2020 project

The signature collecting campaign launched a month ago to support the bid of Baku to host Olympics and Paralympics 2020 has already involved 500,000 persons.
The day when the campaign carried out by the Azerbaijani Student Youth Organizations' Union collected a half million signature coincided with the day of presentation of Baku-2020 project at the General Assembly of the Association of National Olympic Committees, held on 14 April in Moscow.
Commenting on the collection of half million signatures in a short period of time, Executive Director of the Baku-2020 Organizing Committee Konul Nurullayeva said that this event pleased and inspired them very much.
"I thank everyone for successfully organizing this campaign, especially our youths. The residents of Baku and all regions of Azerbaijan have shown their real support to this project by joining this campaign."
The campaign is also conducted online through the official website of Baku-2020.



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