Azerbaijan to host World Capoeira Championship

The World Championship on Sport Capoeira will be held in Baku Sport Palace on May 11-12.

Teams from more than 40 countries and nearly 12 international capoeira groups were invited to the championship, reports.

The event is organized by the World Capoeira Federation (WCF) with the support of the Azerbaijani Embassy in Brazil and the Embassy of Brazil in Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan's national team will feature 25 athletes.

The national team continues preparations for the competitions under the leadership of the head coach of the Azerbaijan Capoeira Federation Elgiz Alizade.

Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance, crobatics, and music.

The first capoeira school in Baku was founded by Taleh Orujov in 2000. After a while the regional schools and clubs came together as a single center- Azerbaijan Capoeira Federation.

The 2013 World Capoeira Championship was held at the Sarhadchi Olympic Center in Baku in 2013. Hundreds of athletes from 40 countries participated in the competition. Two Azerbaijani sportsmen Farid Allahverdiyev and Elsevar Heydarov took the first place and won gold medals.


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