Journey from the Caspian in Mingachevir

The Journey from the Caspian taking place nationwide in the lead up to Baku 2017 Islamic Solidarity Games arrived at Mingachevir after Shamkir.

The event started with the token water from the Kur river in Mingachevir.

During the Water Ceremony swimming enthusiast Isfandiyar Karimov, World Sambo Wrestling Championship Silver Medal Winner Ayaz Umidaliyev and Republican Greco-Roman Wrestling Champion among Adolescents Javanshir Gasimov filled a special vessel with the water from the river, which were presented in the Water Festival later in the evening.

The Journey from the Caspian launched in Baku will be finalised as a part of the Opening Ceremony of the Islamic Solidarity Games to be held in Baku Olympic Stadium on May 12.

Another spectacular project “Sport Joys – Regional Sport Event” was implemented in Kura Olympic Complex of Mingachevir city within the “Domestic Grassroots” program, late afternoon. Various sport contests were organized to promote Baku 2017 Islamic Solidarity Games and encourage youth to take up sports. Athlete Ambassador of Baku 2017 4th Islamic Solidarity Games Rasul Chunayev was also among the guests.

The ceremony continued with the Water Festival held in the Heydar Aliyev Park in the evening hours. With free access to the event, the residents enjoyed the performances of Mirvari Dance Group, Mingachevir Group and Elsevar Mammadov, spectacular water effects and fireworks.

“Journey from the Caspian” encompassing the entire Azerbaijan will reach its next destination on April 25 in Gakh town.


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