President Ilham Aliyev re-elected as president of Azerbaijan National Olympic Committee

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has been reelected as president of the country’s National Olympic Committee (NOC). The decision was made at the 7th general meeting of the National Olympic Committee.

At the event, NOC vice-president Chingiz Huseynzade highlighted the activities of the National Olympic Committee from 2013 to 2016. He pointed out NOC`s role in promoting Azerbaijan as a sporting nation on a global scale.

Minister of Youth and Sport Azad Rahimov said Azerbaijani athletes have claimed thousands of medals in various international sporting events since the country regained its independence.

“Azerbaijan has hosted numerous prestigious sporting events over the last years. This has been possible thanks to the country`s sports accomplishments on the international arena as well as the government`s attention to the development of sport.”

The meeting also featured the election of members of the Inspection Commission.

President Ilham Aliyev and president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, UNESCO and ISESCO goodwill ambassador Mehriban Aliyeva were reelected as members of the Executive Committee of the National Olympic Committee.


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