Ali Hasanov: “The fact that the history of the European Games starts in Azerbaijan is a landmark event”


“A very remarkable event will take place in Azerbaijan in a few days when we will be hosting Baku 2015, the first European Games. The fact that the history of the European Games starts in Azerbaijan is a landmark event,” said Presidential Aide for Public and Political Affairs Ali Hasanov as he met heads of media organizations in the country.

The Presidential Aide expressed his gratitude to media outlets for highlighting the preparations for the first European Games.

Mr. Hasanov also stressed the importance of the Order on the 140th anniversary of the national press signed by President Ilham Aliyev a couple of days ago. “The signing of this order by the head of state is a manifestation of the high status accorded to the role of the media in protecting national and moral values. And today’s meeting aims to discuss the issues arising from this order.”

Mr. Hasanov noted that the 140th anniversary of the Azerbaijani national press would be widely celebrated in the country.


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