Shamakhi welcomes flame of Baku 2015


On May 30th, the official flame of the inaugural European Games was welcomed to Shamakhi by hundreds of local residents, who then took part in a spectacular Festival of Fire in the city center.

At the symbolic gate of the European Games, the flame was handed to three-time European and world powerlifting champion Elvin Eynalov who began the relay. The flame was passed to 10 torchbearers who completed the 2.81km route.

The Festival of Fire took place in a specially organized square where the atmosphere began to build long before Azerbaijan`s powerlifting champion Farid Samadzade took to the stage and lit the flame.

The flame was then transferred to a commemorative lamp that will remain on display in the city until the Closing Ceremony of the Games on June 28.

Local residents were treated to a video projection depicting the official capturing of the flame at Ateshgah.


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