First European Games flame lit up in Ujar


On May 21st, the official flame of the Baku 2015 First European Games was welcomed to Ujar by hundreds of local residents.

At the symbolic gate of the European Games in the region, the flame was accepted by Taghi Mammadov.

Ten torchbearers then started their route and carried the flame into a square in front of the Heydar Aliyev Center to the sound of wild applause.

Coach Seymur Guliyev lit the flame of the European Games. The flame was then transferred to a commemorative lamp that will remain lit in Heydar Aliyev Center until the end of the Games.

The event participants watched a footage highlighting a ceremony to light the flame of the Baku 2015 First European Games in Ateshgah temple.

The flame then continued its journey to the next destination, Goychay.


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