Minister of Youth and Sports and Baku 2015 CEO collect Games uniforms


Mr Azad Rahimov, Azerbaijan’s Minister of Youth and Sports and CEO of Baku 2015, and Mr Simon Clegg, Chief Operating Officer of Baku 2015, collected their uniforms and accreditation cards for this summer’s inaugural European Games.

In a visit to the Baku 2015 Uniform Distribution and Accreditation Centre, Mr Rahimov collected his uniform and accreditation for the Games, which will be held in Baku from 12 to 28 June 2015.

The uniforms have been manufactured by Games uniform supplier Giltex, which will produce seven styles of uniform for Baku 2015, totalling 110,000 units. All BEGOC staff, including the Flamekeeper volunteers, will receive their uniforms over the coming weeks to wear throughout the European Games.

Mr Rahimov said: “Baku 2015 is the biggest international multi-sport event Azerbaijan has ever hosted. The eyes of the world will be on Baku, and I have no doubt that our staff and volunteers will wear their uniforms with pride. They will showcase our country and hospitality admirably."

Mr Clegg said: “The inaugural European Games will be an historic occasion for Azerbaijan, and I am very pleased that everything is proceeding on track to deliver a world-class event. Delivery of uniforms and accreditation brings us one step closer to full operational readiness for this festival of sport.”


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