
Azerbaijan`s first lady attends opening of Azerbaijani pavilion in Venice Biennale

03.06.2011 | Readed: 659

The 54th International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale has started. Azerbaijan`s First Lady, president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, UNESCO and ISESCO Goodwill Ambassador, MP Mehriban Aliyeva participated Wednesday in the opening ceremony of the Azerbaijani pavilion in Venice......

Korean youth pay respect to national leader of Azerbaijan

02.06.2011 | Readed: 597

Korean youth visited the Alley of Honors to lay a wreath at the tomb of Azerbaijan's national leader Heydar Aliyev. They also put flowers at the grave of prominent ophthalmologist, academician Zarifa Aliyeva. Then, the guests visited the Alley of Martyrs to commemorate Azerbaijani......

Azerbaijan`s Republic day celebrated in different countries of world

01.06.2011 | Readed: 583

An event to celebrate 28 May - Republic Day of Azerbaijan supported by Heydar Aliyev Foundation's Representation in Turkey was held in Eskisehir city. The Azerbaijan circle in Eskisehir organized a photo exhibition within the framework of the celebrations. The event brought......

"I believe in victory of justice", Mark Field

01.06.2011 | Readed: 601

On May 28 the delegation headed by the Chairman of the UK-Azerbaijan parliamentary group, Mark Field, has met Azerbaijani refugees and IDPs. Vice-chairman of the State Committee on work with refugees and IDPs Geray Farhadov has informed visitors that the refugees and IDPs were settled in......

Azeri Interior Minister meets Turkish Land Forces Training and Doctrine Command Commander

01.06.2011 | Readed: 579

Interior Minister of Azerbaijan Ramil Usubov met with visiting Turkish Land Forces Training and Doctrine Command Commander Saldiray Berk. The Minister said Interior Troops of Azerbaijan are developing ties with Turkish Gendarmerie. He expressed confidence that Berk`s visit to......

Armenia continues violating ceasefire

01.06.2011 | Readed: 594

Subunits of the Armenian Armed Forces from posts located in Ashagi Abdulrehmanli village and nameless hills of Fuzuli region subjected to machine gunfire the opposite positions of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan at different hours on May 31, press service of the Defense Ministry of Azerbaijan......

Heydar Aliyev Foundation launches campaign "There is no limit to opportunities"

01.06.2011 | Readed: 576

On the occasion of the International Children`s Day, the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection and UNICEF launches a campaign "There is no limit to opportunities", aimed at eliminating discrimination towards the handicapped children. The campaign, which is to......

American congressmen congratulate Azerbaijan on Republic Day

28.05.2011 | Readed: 579

Members of the US Congress Bill Shuster and Virginia Foxx made congratulatory speeches on the occasion of the 93rd anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic in the House of Representatives, Azerbaijan Embassy to USA said. Mr. Shuster said Azerbaijan is the first country which......

Azerbaijan, Italy sign MoU on cooperation in civil defense and emergency situations

28.05.2011 | Readed: 625

Azerbaijan`s delegation headed by the minister for emergencies, colonel-general Kamaladdin Heydarov visited the Republic of Italy, the Ministry`s press service said. In the framework of visit, Heydarov has met with the Chairman of the Civil Defense Department of Italy`s Cabinet Franco......

President of Russian Olympic Committee pays respect to national leader Heydar Aliyev

28.05.2011 | Readed: 599

Deputy Chairman of the Russian Federation`s Government, President of the Russian Olympic Committee Alexander Zhukov visited the Alley of Honors to lay a wreath at the tomb of Azerbaijan`s national leader Heydar Aliyev. He also put flowers at the grave of prominent ophthalmologist,......

Delegation of British-Azerbaijani parliamentarian group visits State Committee on Refugees and IDPs

27.05.2011 | Readed: 577

Azerbaijani deputy prime-minister, chairman of the State Committee on Refugees and IDPs Ali Hasanov met a delegation of British-Azerbaijani parliamentarian group. Mr. Hasanov updated the guests on Nagorno Karabakh conflict. He said as a result of the conflict, 250 thousand Azerbaijanis......

May 28 declared as Azerbaijan`s National Day in Vancouver

24.05.2011 | Readed: 547

May 28 was declared as Azerbaijan`s National Day in Vancouver, the city of British Columbia, Canada. The decision was made by Mayor of the city, Gregor Robertson. Every year, about 40 million Azerbaijanis celebrate this day as a holiday. Azerbaijanis regard 28 May a great......

California`s Sonoma newspaper publishes letter of local resident on 28 May -Azerbaijan`s Republic Day

24.05.2011 | Readed: 553

California-based Sonoma newspaper has published a letter of local resident, Bonnie Kaslan, who congratulated Azerbaijan on 28 May - Republic Day. The letter, published under the title "Celebrating Azerbaijan", says "On May 28, Azerbaijanis in America and around the world celebrate the......

Azerbaijan`s National Day marked in Jordan

24.05.2011 | Readed: 594

Azerbaijan`s Embassy marked the country`s National Day in Jordan. Ambassador Elman Arasli said both Jordan and Azerbaijan see eye-to-eye on vairous Arab, Islamic and international issues, mainly the Palestinian cause and the need to achieve peace in the Middle East. Both countries,......

IAP president meets country`s Prosecutor General

24.05.2011 | Readed: 567

On Monday President of the International Association of Prosecutors (IAP) James Hamilton met the Prosecutor General of Azerbaijan Zakir Garalov, who highlighted on the successful democratic reforms implemented in the country, using IAP standards that led to gaining positive image by Azerbaijan......

Armenia continues violating ceasefire

24.05.2011 | Readed: 534

Subunits of the Armenian Armed Forces from posts located in nameless hills of Krasnoselsk and Fuzuli regions and Chayli village of Tartar region subjected to machine gunfire the opposite positions of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan at different hours on May 23, press service of the Defense......

IAP delegation pays respect to Azerbaijan`s national leader

24.05.2011 | Readed: 620

A delegation led by James Hamilton, the President of the International Association of Prosecutors, on May 23 paid respect to memory of the national leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the Alley of Honors. The guests also laid flowers at the tomb of the prominent ophthalmologist,......

Representatives of Azerbaijan`s Ministry of Emergency Situations visits Netherlands

22.05.2011 | Readed: 736

A delegation led by Azerbaijan`s Minister of Emergency Situations Kamaladdin Heydarov visited Netherlands on May 17-19. The Azeri delegation met with Schultz van Haegen, Minister of Infrastructure and Environment of Netherlands. The parties discussed how to expand relations between......

EANA extraordinary General Assembly takes place in Berlin

21.05.2011 | Readed: 569

The European Alliance of News Agencies` General Assembly took place here. Azerbaijan was represented by AzerTAc Director General Aslan Aslanov. Through secret ballot the EFE Agency's (Spain) general director Lola Alvarez and general director of Press Associated Agency Clive......

Opening of Heydar Aliyev Park took place in Astrakhan

20.05.2011 | Readed: 625

Inauguration of Heydar Aliyev Park took place Thursday in Astrakhan, Russia, as part of "Russia and Azerbaijan: towards new horizons of interregional cooperation" forum. Members of Azerbaijan and Russian delegations to the Forum, representatives of the Azerbaijan Diaspora of Astrakhan,......

Armenia continues violating ceasefire

20.05.2011 | Readed: 581

Subunits of the Armenian Armed Forces from posts located in Voskevan village of Noyenberjan region and Horadiz village of Fuzuli region subjected to machine gunfire the opposite positions of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan at different hours on May 19 and 20, press service of the Defense Ministry......

UN High Commissioner for refugees visits Agdam region of Azerbaijan

19.05.2011 | Readed: 618

On May 18th United Nations (UN) High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres arrived in the Agdam region as part of his visit to Azerbaijan. The commissioner has met with schoolchildren and residents in Guzanlı settlement in Agdam region and was curious about their problems.......

Azerbaijan marks World Telecommunication and Information Society Day

18.05.2011 | Readed: 563

The Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies of Azerbaijan held a solemn ceremony dedicated to the May 17- World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD). The event was attended by representatives of the public sector, NGOs, CEOs and heads of private companies......

President of Czech Republic pays respect to national leader Heydar Aliyev

18.05.2011 | Readed: 567

On May 17th President of the Czech Republic Václav Klaus visited the Alley of Honors to lay a wreath at the tomb of Azerbaijan`s national leader, architect and founder of Azerbaijani state Heydar Aliyev. The President also put flowers at the grave of prominent ophthalmologist,......

President of Czech Republic visits Alley of Martyrs

18.05.2011 | Readed: 581

President of the Czech Republic Vaclav Klaus visited the Alley of Martyrs to commemorate Azerbaijani heroes who laid down their lives for the country's independence and territorial integrity. A guard of honor was lined up for the Czech President here. President Vaclav Klaus laid a......

Russian-Azerbaijani interregional forum due in Astrakhan

17.05.2011 | Readed: 582

Russian-Azerbaijani interregional forum will take place in Astrakhan, on May 18-19. Azerbaijani delegation will be led by chief of socio-political department of Presidential Administration Ali Hasanov. The aim of the forum is to expand relations between the two countries in economy,......

Winners of Eurovision-2011 visit Heydar Aliyev monument

17.05.2011 | Readed: 568

Winners of the Eurovision 2011 song contest, Azerbaijani duet Eldar Gasimov and Nigar Jamal laid flowers at the monument to national leader Heydar Aliyev in the park in front of the Heydar Aliyev Palace. The Azeri duo was warmly welcomed by residents, representatives of the Ministry of......

U.S.-Azerbaijan military cooperation discussed

14.05.2011 | Readed: 556

Defense Minister of Azerbaijan Safar Abiyev met Duncan J. McNabb, Commander of U.S. Transportation Command. The talks focused on the current state of and prospects for development of U.S.-Azerbaijan military cooperation. Ambassador Matthew Bryza was present in the......

Armenia continues violating ceasefire with Azerbaijan

14.05.2011 | Readed: 496

Subunits of the Armenian Armed Forces from posts located in Tap Garagoyunlu village of Goranboy region, Javahirli and Sarijali villages of Agdam region and Horadiz village of Fuzuli region subjected to machine gunfire the opposite positions of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan at different hours on......

"Baku Heart Days" Congress participants pay respect to national leader Heydar Aliyev

14.05.2011 | Readed: 517

On May 13th Participants of the 2nd International Congress "Baku Heart Days" visited the Alley of Honors to lay a wreath at the tomb of Azerbaijan`s national leader Heydar Aliyev. They also put flowers at the grave of prominent ophthalmologist, academician Zarifa Aliyeva. Then,......

Azerbaijani Interior Minister meets OSCE Representative on Freedom of Media

13.05.2011 | Readed: 677

Azerbaijan`s Interior Minister Ramil Usubov met OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatovic. Usubov said the Ministry closely cooperated with OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, OSCE Baku Office and the Organization`s missions in neighbor countries......

Azerbaijan, Macedonia discuss customs cooperation

13.05.2011 | Readed: 623

Chairman of Azerbaijan`s State Customs Committee Aydin Aliyev met visiting director of the Macedonian Customs Administration Vanco Kargov and head of training department Zlatko Veterovski. Aliyev recalled last year the two countries` relevant bodies signed mutual document. Kargov......

Nagorno-Karabakh dispute will be most probably discussed at OSCE PA session in Belgrade

13.05.2011 | Readed: 517

"Reports of the OSCE Minsk group co-chairs on Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Nagorno Karabakh will be most probably heard at annual session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in Belgrade", OSCE PA President Petros Efthymiou said during the meeting with Azeri parliamentarians on Thursday.......

Azerbaijan`s First Lady hosts dinner in honor of Latvian counterpart

12.05.2011 | Readed: 539

On May 11th Azerbaijan`s First Lady, President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, UNESCO and ISESCO goodwill ambassador, MP Mehriban Aliyeva hosted a dinner in honor of First Lady of Latvia Lilita Zatlere.








What has been done in Azerbaijan with respect to freedom of speech is obvious, Presidential Administration official

12.05.2011 | Readed: 572

What has been done in Azerbaijan with respect to freedom of speech is obvious, said Ali Hasanov, head of the Presidential Administration`s socio-political affairs department. "I am surprised at the statements of some international organizations on freedom of speech in Azerbaijan. If there......

Washington marks 88th anniversary of Azerbaijan`s national leader Heydar Aliyev

12.05.2011 | Readed: 580

An event to mark the 88th anniversary of Azerbaijan`s national leader Heydar Aliyev was organized at "Four Seasons" hotel of US`s capital Washington on Tuesday. The event brought together representatives of Diplomatic Corps operating in Washington, non-governmental organizations, media......

Svetlana Orlova: "Heydar Aliyev is a unique personality and great politician"

12.05.2011 | Readed: 507

"Heydar Aliyev is a unique personality, he is a large scale politician, he is the person who has made for the country much", said Svetlana Orlova, vice-president of the Federation Council of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, speaking at the event in embassy of Azerbaijan in Russia,......

National leader Heydar Aliyev`s 88th anniversary marked in Moscow

12.05.2011 | Readed: 534

The Embassy of Azerbaijan in Moscow has organized a commemorative event to mark the 88th anniversary of national leader Heydar Aliyev. The event was attended by Russian officials, workers of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation`s representation, ambassadors, members of Russia-Azerbaijan Friendship......

Heydar Aliyev`s 88th birthday marked in Strasbourg

12.05.2011 | Readed: 557

Azerbaijan`s permanent representation to the Council of Europe held an event to mark the 88th birthday of national leader Heydar Aliyev in Strasbourg. The local and foreign guests, representatives of Azerbaijani Diaspora were aware of life and political activity of the national leader.......

President of OSCE PA to visit Azerbaijan

12.05.2011 | Readed: 526

President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Petros Efthymiou will visit Azerbaijan on Thursday. During the trip, Efthymiou will have a number of meetings with Azerbaijani officials to discuss development of bilateral relations. The OSCE PA President will also visit the Alley of......

Armenia continues violating ceasefire

12.05.2011 | Readed: 531

Subunits of the Armenian Armed Forces from posts located in Mososgerkh village of Berd region and nameless hills of Krasnoselsk region subjected to machine gunfire the opposite positions of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan at different hours on May 11, press service of the Defense Ministry of......

Latvia`s first lady pays respect to national leader Heydar Aliyev

11.05.2011 | Readed: 551

First lady of Latvia Mrs. Lilita Zatlere visited the Alley of Honors to lay a wreath at the tomb of architect and founder of Azerbaijani state, national leader Heydar Aliyev. She also put flowers at the grave of prominent ophthalmologist, academician Zarifa......

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