Azerbaijan Constitutional Court's chairman meets COE Venice Commission's delegation

On September 24th the visiting delegation of the Council of Europe Venice Commission headed by its Secretary Thomas Markert met with the staff of the Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan.
Chairman of the Constitutional Court Farhad Abdullayev highlighted on the expedient reforms taken place in the legal-judicial system of republic and gave detailed information on the background of the Constitutional Court founded in 1998.
Speaking of establishment of the Court's international relations Abdullayev said the staff takes into consideration the experience of separate countries` and also international judicial bodies.
According to Abdullayev, Azerbaijan's Constitutional Court is the member of the European Conference of the Constitutional Courts and keeps bilateral and multilateral links with many influential legal organizations.
The Constitutional Court has active and effective contacts with the law-enforcement bodies of country, the Chairman underlined.
Secretary of the Council of Europe Venice Commission Thomas Markert expressed for detailed information, hoped for closer links between the Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan and the Organization he represents.



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