AzerTAc, Brazilian EBC company to build partnership ties

Azerbaijan State Telegraph Agency (AzerTAc) and Brazilian Public Communications Enterprise (EBC) will establish partnership as Azerbaijani ambassador Elnur Sultanov and EBC Director President Nelson Breve reached agreement during a meeting in Brazil.
Mr. Breve expressed EBC`s interest in establishing relations with Azerbaijan State Telegraph Agency. He said a draft agreement on cooperation with AzerTAc would be sent to Azerbaijan`s Embassy soon.
The Ambassador stressed the importance of developing exchange of news between Azerbaijan and Brazil.
Mr. Sultanov emphasized the necessity of making the realities about Azerbaijan known in Brazil.
The Ambassador highlighted major priorities of Azerbaijan`s foreign policy, saying the country enjoys the leading role in regional processes.
Empresa Brasil De Comunicacao is a state-owned communications company. It primarily operates in television and radio broadcasting. The portfolio of its operating channels includes 8 radio stations and 3 television channels including TV Brazil, NBR and Canal Integration. The company also runs a news agency.


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