Green Week continues in Baku

A round-table entitled "Green Economy" organized by the Center for Strategic Studies under the President of Azerbaijan has been held here today in Hyatt Regency Hotel on the 4th day of the Green Week project.
UNEP Regional Director (tbs) Jan Dusik, Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan Huseyngulu Bagirov, Director of the Center for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Farhad Mammadov and UNDP Resident Representative in Azerbaijan Antonius Broek made opening speeches at the event.
The participants made presentations in the panel entitled "Green Economy: Strategic Vision and Policy" on UNEP Role in the Development of the Green Economy in Europe, Green Economy Scoping Study, Switching to a Green Economy in Azerbaijan, Promoting Green Pathway, Business Welcomes the Green Economy and on Green Municipal Incentives.



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