Safety of journalists during demonstrations discussed in Baku

On November 10th safety of journalists during public demonstrations was discussed at the seminar supported by the Azerbaijani government and co-organized by the Office of the Representative on Freedom of the Media and Press Council of Azerbaijan. 
The event was attended by members of the government and Press Council, representatives of media outlets.
Chairman of the Press Council Aflatun Amashov told of the progress achieved by the Council to ensure safety of journalists.
Head of the Presidential Administration`s department for socio-political affairs Ali Hasanov narrated on the role of journalists in covering mass events.
Hasanov pointed out that good position of journalists during demonstrations would allow avoiding divisions with respect to relationship with security forces. The official said that a vest for journalists and organization providing them must be determined.
"We have been working to improve our practices in this field over the past ten years," Hasanov said.
According to him, the seminar would address the rules for journalists' behavior during public demonstrations in line with international standards, their location and provision with special vests.
The department chief underlined that legislation on media had been refined during past years. He noted Azerbaijan had recently hosted the seventh Internet Governance Forum, which gathered journalists, government officials and representatives of international organizations. Such events, he said, provide a platform for raising the world community`s awareness about Azerbaijan. He noted problems in the media field sometimes stem from lack of awareness and proficiency, and the aim of the event is to mitigate such problems.
Speaking at the event, Dunja Mijatović, the OSCE representative on freedom of the media said safety of journalists during demonstrations and rallies must be ensured. Journalists must introduce themselves rather than join the rally. She noted journalists must far from problems when accessing the source of information.
Deputy Interior Minister Oruj Zalov touched on the police-journalist relationship. According to him, policemen attend training seminars to deepen relations with the public.
Head of OSCE Baku Office Koray Targay told of the events held in Azerbaijan to develop media industry.
The three-day seminar will address participation of journalists in demonstrations, police-journalist relations etc.



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