Design of Azerbaijani President`s official website modernized

The design of the Azerbaijani President's official website, has been modernized.
Rapid development of ICT technologies promotes change of the lifestyle of people and forms a new system of relations.
President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev attaches great importance to the development of information society basing on the achievements of IT and technical progress, which, in turn, promotes creation of new competitive production spheres. Therefore, in Azerbaijan, the ICT sector has become a priority field that continuously develops and expands in both the capital and regions. Evidence to that is conducting the VII Internet Management Forum in Azerbaijan's capital city, Baku.
The Azerbaijani President's official website regularly presents new opportunities in three languages (Azerbaijani, English and Russian). The site uses innovative technologies that attract more and more visitors.
The President's meetings and statements, photos and videos are rapidly covered on the website.
The new design of the website also offers the draft concept "Azerbaijan: 2020 - View at future".



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