AzerTAc, Italian Multimedia Group discuss cooperation

Azerbaijan State Telegraph Agency (AzerTAc) and Italian Multimedia Group (ITMG) have today discussed prospects for boosting the bilateral cooperation as ITMG president Piero Di Pasquale and his partner Laura Corsico visited the Agency`s headquarters.
AzerTAc and ITMG agreed to implement joint projects aimed at increasing skills of journalists and carrying out experience and journalist exchange.
The ITMG delegation was informed on the history and development of AzerTAc, which maintains friutful cooperation with Italian ANSA and AGI news agencies.
ITMG`s goal is to increase value and promote the best Italian companies in new International markets. Thanks to a direct, well- organised and high profiled network of contacts, ITMG has selected new emerging markets and areas which haven`t been hit by economic recession and financial crunch.



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