Chairman of Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina visits Azerbaijan`s Gabala region

On October 19th chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bakir Izetbegović and his spouse Sebia Izetbegović visited Gabala as part of their trip to Azerbaijan.
Bakir Izetbegović familiarized himself with the construction process at a new building of Gabala city mosque.
The Chairman of the Presidency was informed that the construction of the two-storied mosque started in March, 2011. The mosque features a library, a ceremonial hall and ablution areas.
Mr. Izetbegović visited the Gabala Canning Factory, Lemonade Factory, the refrigerator-storehouse complex for the purpose of keeping fruits and vegetables and the Juma mosque.
He was told that the annual capacity of the Lemonade Factory was 50 mln liters, and 6,000 liters per hour. The facility employs 60 people.
Then a dinner was hosted in honor of the Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 5-star Qafqaz Resort Hotel.
Bakir Izetbegović also visited the Beltmann Piano Factory, Qafqaz Resort and Qafqaz Sport hotels.



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