"This Forum has no analog in the world", Academician Valery Lunin

This forum which is conducted for the second time has no analog in the world. This is a great event", the participant of II Baku International Humanitarian Forum, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the dean of chemical faculty of the Moscow State University after M.V.Lomonosova Valery Lunin told AzerTAc correspondent. 
According to the academician, the aspiration of Azerbaijan to unite people from the different countries, different faiths, has great importance. "Today, there is a great number of the Nobel Prize winners, former heads of the states, and scientists of many world countries here. And it will be a part of the history of not only Azerbaijan, but all human civilization. I highly appreciate organization of this Forum. We are grateful to Azerbaijan, President Ilham Aliyev who has organized this unique action that has no analog", Lunin underlined.



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