Azerbaijan partakes in conference against corruption in US

Vugar Aliyev, head of Analytic and Information Division, department of Fight Against Corruption of the General Prosecutor`s Office of Azerbaijan represented the country in International Alliance Against Corruption`s 2nd conference entitled "Fighting against corruption: innovations and new horizons" in Washington, US.


The conference organized by the World Bank once every two years brought together employees of relevant bodies and international organizations from 130 countries.


The conference with plenary meetings and sessions featured reports and presentations on application of new technologies on struggle against corruption and international cooperation.


Exhibition of modern technologies was demonstrated in the second day of the conference.


Vugar Aliyev provided information on realization of the complex events led by Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev, adaptation and successful implementation of the State Program on Fighting against Corruption, the country`s joining to the international conventions, establishment of the Department of Fight Against Corruption to the General Prosecutor`s Office of Azerbaijan and its activity in the meetings on the Eastern Europe and Middle Asia and other gatherings.


Professors of the George Washington University Jack Smith and Thomas Lasic delived reports in a two-day training organized in Law Department of the university.



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