10th International Conference of Ombudsmen kicks off in Baku

On June 18th the 10th Baku International Conference of Ombudsmen entitled "The protection of human rights in emergency situations: problems and opportunities" has today started in Azerbaijan`s capital.


The opening ceremony was attended by Azerbaijan`s commissioner for human rights Elmira Suleymanova, Deputy Prime Minister and chairman of State Committee for Refugees and IDPs Ali Hasanov, first secretary of the Azerbaijani National Commission for UNESCO Gunay Afandiyeva and chairwoman of State Committee on Family, Women and Children Affairs Hijran Huseynova.


The conference featured reports on protection of human rights and improvement of legislation on Ombudsman, protection of environmental rights in emergency situations, protection and popularization of human rights in the global world.


Azerbaijan Ombudsman`s Office organized annual international conferences on priority aspects of human rights. UNESCO has supported the seven of such conferences.


Ombudsmen and officials of relevant bodies from 60 countries participated in nine conferences held in Baku.



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