German "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" newspaper publishes article about Azerbaijan

The Germany-based "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" newspaper has published an article entitled "Difficulties in Caucasus". The article by journalist Michael Ludwig features issues related to Azerbaijan`s foreign policy.


The article says in the wake of Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict one fifth of territories of Azerbaijan - Nagorno-Karabakh and seven adjacent regions were occupied.


Azerbaijan`s neighbors - Turkey and Iran have different position on this conflict. Turkey, demonstrating solidarity with Azerbaijan, closed its borders with Armenia, but Iran pursues a double policy. Official Tehran`s borders with Armenia are open.


The article goes on to say several days ago a protest rally against Baku`s hosting Eurovision song contest was held in front of Azerbaijan`s consulate in Tabriz. The article quotes chief of Azerbaijan Presidential Administration`s department Ali Hasanov as saying "Official Tehran demands Azerbaijan to maintain good relations with only friends of Iran and cut ties with the United States and Israel. But this is unacceptable for Baku, because our foreign policy is based on our national interests."


The author says liberal intellectuals in Azerbaijan are cautious about strengthening of religious fundamentalism in Azerbaijan. The opposition parties in Azerbaijan do not want to unite around national interests of the country.



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