Azerbaijani NGOs make statement to protest against EuroParliament`s resolution

Representatives of the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Azerbaijan have issued a statement to protest against the resolution on Azerbaijan adopted by the European Parliament on the human rights situation in Azerbaijan on May 24, 2012.


The statement says: "The European parliament`s biased and inconsistent resolution on Azerbaijan, dealing a blow to its international image, calls the organization`s sincere attitude toward Azerbaijan into question".


According to the statement, this approach can lead to the collapse of the European Neighbourhood Policy and Eastern Partnership.


"So, the civil society, which clearly sees the future of the country`s integration into Europe, began to doubt about the benefits of this cooperation".


"We believe that strengthening of these sentiments in the society in the future could influence the process of making a decision on associate membership in the EU. We hope that the European Parliament will reconsider the indicated points, make appropriate changes in their policies and make efforts to restore their authority in Azerbaijan."


The statement was adopted in a conference attended by 273 non-governmental organizations in Azerbaijan on May 31, 2012.



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