Azerbaijan`s Prosecutor General appeals to his Ukrainian counterpart in connection with murder of Azerbaijani activist

Azerbaijan's Prosecutor General Zakir Garalov appealed to Ukraine`s Prosecutor General Viktor Pshonka over the killing of Chairman of Donetsk regional public organization of the Ukrainian Azerbaijanis Congress (UAC) Igbal Mahmudov in Makeyevka, Ukraine on May 9, 2012. 
The appeal underlines that the resonance, which sparked in the country following the murder committed in a public place, before the eyes of the citizens and killer`s escaping from the scene of crime without being detained so far, raised concern. The Azeri Prosecutor expressed assurance that the law enforcement bodies of Ukraine, demonstrating the high level of professionalism, will take necessary measures to solve the crime within short span of time.
The General Prosecutor`s office of Azerbaijan expressed its readiness to provide necessary assistance to respective bodies of Ukraine in connection with investigation of the case.



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