US Congressman Steve Cohen: Azerbaijani people should be proud of tolerance tradition

The Azerbaijani people should be proud of tradition of tolerance and transparency. Tolerance is a source of power of Azerbaijan, said one of the active members of the working group on Azerbaijan of the House of Representatives, Congressman-Democrat from the state of Tennessee Steve Cohen in the conference dedicated to the 20 anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and the United States. The conference discussed the impact of partnership between the countries in the region, and exchanged views on the further expansion of strategic partnership between Azerbaijan and the US.
Numerous US congressmen and senators underlined that relations with Azerbaijan are very important for the US.
Cohen said: "as stated, relations between the US and Azerbaijan are important. 20 years passed very quickly. I am glad that Azerbaijan today looks at Europe, to the West. Part of our relationship is based on energy resources, which is a serious need for the world. The most important thing for me is good relations between the people, which I saw in Azerbaijan. There is no discrimination against the Christian and Jewish people in the Azerbaijani society. You are an example for the other nations.
Once again I looked at the map of Azerbaijan before coming here. Part of the country`s territory is occupied. Continuation of the conflict hinders the development of the region. Azerbaijan has good relations with its close and distant neighbors. Azerbaijan has high level relations with Israel. There was good attitude to the Jewish community in Azerbaijan throughout history, and the same attitude continues at present. I am sure that peace will be restored in the region in the near future, and partnership between Azerbaijan and the US enriched with new values.



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