Polish Constitution Day commemorated in Azerbaijan

The Polish embassy in Azerbaijan has organized an official reception to celebrate the 221st anniversary of it`s country's constitution - May 3.
The embassy hosted a number of guests, including state officials, deputies, members of the Polish community and diplomatic corps.
Addressing the event, Polish ambassador to Azerbaijan Mr. Michail Labenda said: "Today, 221 years after the enactment of first constitution, Poland is facing new positive challenges. On the 3rd of May, 1791, Poland as the first country in Europe and second in the world after the US, has taken an effort of modernization and reform of the state, based on modern ideas of the Enlightenment, and enacted its own Constitution.
We are proud of the 20 years existed relations between Poland and Azerbaijan that is the best example of both countries` successful policy. I hope friendly relations between our countries will be more deepen in future."
During the event, the Azerbaijani poet, MP Sabir Rustamkhanli was awarded with a medal "Gloria Artis" for his special merit to Polish culture.
In his turn, Mr. Rustamkhanli expressed his gratitude for the medal and extended Constitution Day congratulations to the Polish nation.



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