CoE Congress of Local and Regional Authorities delegation visits Azerbaijan`s Constitutional Court

A delegation of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe has visited Azerbaijan`s Constitutional Court where they met its chairman Farhad Abdullayev.
Abdullayev informed the delegation on the Constitutional Court`s history and activity.
He said the Court was constantly improving its activity by benefiting from the European experience.
"Azerbaijan`s Constitutional Court supervises the compliance of laws and other legal acts with the Constitution. The citizens have right to appeal to the Court. One of the important functions of the Court is to make official comments on laws."
Head of the European delegation Gudrun Mosler-Tornstrom highlighted the aim of their visit.
"We familiarized ourselves with the activity of several municipalities and NGOs. The Azerbaijani government adopted democratic laws to regulate the activity of local self-governance authorities."
She also underlined importance of providing legal assistance to municipalities in Azerbaijan, saying they are a young institution.



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