2nd session of Euronest PA ends in Baku

The 2nd session of the Euronest PA ended in Baku. Today`s meeting discussed the organization`s action plan for the next year.
The Ukrainian delegation suggested holding debates on energy issues, and stressed the importance of studing Azerbaijan`s experience in the sphere. They added such debates will give a birth to new ideas.
The Euronest Committee on Social Affairs, Education, Culture and Civil Society suggesting organizing the youth forum of the Euronest PA member states later in autumn.
Speaking to the event, head of the Azerbaijani delegation to the Euronest PA Elkhan Suleymanov said he has sent a proposal to the Assembly to organize the meeting of Euronest PA Committee on Economic Integration, Legal Approximation and Convergence with EU Policies in Azerbaijan`s town of Gabala.
He also suggested holding the Euronest PA Committee on Social Affairs, Education, Culture and Civil Society`s 2013 meeting in Azerbaijan.
Azeri MP Malahat Ibrahimgizi proposed organization of an event on gender equality and woman problems.
Chairman of the meeting co-president of the Euronest PA Kristian Vigenin hailed the Baku session, stressing the importance of all the issues discussed during the session for the future activity of the organization.
The attendees also agreed to hold the 3rd session of the Euronest PA next year in Brussels.



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