"Sure, the Azerbaijani youth is able to make worthy contribution to development of the Azerbaijani-Russian relations", Sergey Naryshkin

"Sure, the Azerbaijani youth is able to make worthy contribution to development of the Azerbaijani-Russian relations, the cause of expansion of humanitarian ties, deepening of international dialogue". This was stated in the message of chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Sergey Naryshkin, addressed to participants of the Constituent Congress of the World Azerbaijani Youth Union which opened today in Baku. 
In his message, Sergey Naryshkin underlines that the Russian-Azerbaijani peoples throughout centuries were connected by sincere friendship based on mutual respect. "The traditions of good neighborhood, close cooperation pass from father to son, enriching our cultures", Naryshkin stressed.
"For hundreds thousand of Azerbaijanis Russia became really the second native land, but having connected their lives with Russia, they also keep contact with their historical Motherland", the message further says.
"I hope that constituent congress of the World Azerbaijani Youth Union will pass in the constructive, creative atmosphere and the new ideas initiated by participants will promote realization of new projects", Sergey Naryshkin emphasized.
The Congress organized by the Azerbaijani youth living abroad brings together about 500 delegates and guests, representatives of Azerbaijani youth organizations, young people studying at prestigious world universities as well as leaders of the Azerbaijani Diaspora organizations.



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