Russian citizens in Azerbaijan vote in presidential election

Russian citizens in Azerbaijan are voting in the presidential election.
The voting is organized in Baku and Gabala region, with the total number of eligible Russian citizens in Azerbaijan being 6,358 people.
In Baku the number of Russian citizens who have already cast their ballots is 250, while in Gabala is 300.
The voting in Azerbaijan is observed by 9 monitors from Russia`s embassy and Russian Information and Culture Center.
Sunday`s vote sees Vladimir Putin hoping to become president again after four years as prime minister.
Mr Putin was Russia`s president from 2000 to 2008, but was barred by the constitution from standing for a third consecutive term.
He faces four challengers, three of whom he has defeated in previous elections.
Mr Putin`s main challenger is considered to be Communist Gennady Zyuganov, who is running for a fourth time.
The other candidates are ultra-nationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky, tycoon Mikhail Prokhorov, who is standing as an independent, and former upper house speaker Sergey Mironov, from the centre-left A Just Russia party.



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