Baku hosts conference on ILO convention on employees with family responsibilities

On February 21st Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC) and International Labour Organization (ILO) co-organized a conference here on implementation and improvement of ILO Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention No 156. ATUC deputy chairman Ilyas Aliyev spoke of importance of the event. He said the relevant convention provides for the principles of non-discrimination against workers with family responsibilities. The convention underlines that "with a view to creating effective equality of opportunity and treatment for men and women workers, all measures compatible with national conditions and possibilities shall be taken: to enable workers with family responsibilities to exercise their right to free choice of employment; and to take account of their needs in terms and conditions of employment and in social security.
Attending the event, ILO expert Sergius Glovatskas pointed out their organization `is expanding relations` with ATUC, saying they hail Azerbaijan`s desire to fulfill the relevant ILO convention.
The conference participants heard reports on the relevant theme.



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