Azerbaijan plays important role in realization of transnational projects in region, Ali Hasanov

On February 13th chief of the Social and Political Affairs Department at the Presidential Administration Ali Hasanov met with members of the Caspian-European Integration Business Club (CEIBC).
President of the CEIBC Telman Aliyev gave information about the activity of the Club.
Hasanov spoke of the current situation of and perspectives for Azerbaijan`s internal and foreign policy. Stressing the country`s increasing role in energy security of Europe, Hasanov underlined Azerbaijan "is an important country in realization of transnational projects in the region".
He said "Azerbaijan has good relations with neighboring and European countries, but at the same time there are some problems in ties with Europe".
"These are visa and customs problems", he added.
Hasanov noted Azerbaijani President gave instructions to relevant bodies to solve the mentioned problems.
In meeting, Ali Hasanov was awarded with a certificate of honorary member of the CEIBC.
Hasanov has also responded the questions of the members of the CEIBC.



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