"Azerbaijan must be a key strategic partner for European Energy Community"

"Azerbaijan must be a key strategic partner for the European Energy Community," said Jerzy Buzek, former President of the European Parliament and Member of Foreign Affairs Committee at a conference entitled "EU-Azerbaijan relations: New Horizons for the Partnership" held by the EPP Group in the European Parliament.
Buzek noted "for the European Union, Azerbaijan is more than just a key partner. For us, it is a bridge between Europe and Asia. And for much of the world, it stands as a gateway to Europe. Our partnership rests on a concrete foundation - close historic and cultural heritage, legacy of democratic values, as well as our joint engagement in ensuring global security and stability."
Buzek noted "our economic cooperation offers enormous potential, particularly in the area of developing sustainable energy policy and assuring security of energy supplies."
President of the European People`s Party, Wilfried Martens reminded all present of the European dimension of Azerbaijan and highlighted the country`s rich history. He pointed out "mutual relations are not only exchange of goods or energy resources, they also have to go hand in hand with real political cooperation. The EU has a strong interest in developing a politically stable and economically prosperous Southern Caucasus region."
Monica Macovei, MEP, said "Azerbaijan is the fastest developing economy in the world and has made clear its intention of building democracy. The political reforms it has conducted are worth appreciating."
"The Association Agreement with the EU is being negotiated and we look forward to the launching of the deep and comprehensive free trade agreement as soon as Azerbaijan joins the WTO. We also expect the negotiations on the visa facilitation and re-admission agreements to start and swiftly reach a positive outcome."



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