Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan discuss cooperation in labor, employment and social protection sphere

Minister of Labour and Social Protection of Azerbaijan Fuzuli Alakbarov met Kyrgyz Minister of Youth, Labor and Employment Aliasbek Alimkulov. 
The talks at the meeting focused on prospects for cooperation in labor, employment and social protection sphere.
Alakbarov briefed the Kyrgyz Minister on the accomplishments made in Azerbaijan in social and economic spheres.
The Azerbaijani Minister pointed out his country was interested in cooperation with Kyrgyzstan in labor, employment and social protection sphere.
Alimkulov said Azerbaijan`s social and economic model is highly appreciated in the world, and the Kyrgyz government places special emphasis on cooperation with this country. He noted Kyrgyzstan is interested in using social development practice of Azerbaijan.
Alimkulov pointed out great opportunities exist for boosting cooperation between Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan in labor, employment and social protection sphere, adding both countries must use them.



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