AMOR holds charity mission in Southern Sudan

The Azerbaijani Youth Organization of Russia (AMOR) in partnership with the Sechenov Moscow State Medical University and under the support of the Russian Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and UNAIDS held a charity mission in Southern Sudan.
The initiative belongs to the President of AMOR, Vice-President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Leyla Aliyeva.
The group of volunteers from the First Moscow State Medical University named after Sechenov and representatives of the Azerbaijani Youth Organization of Russia (AMOR) from 22 to 28 January visited Southern Sudan's capital Juba. The purpose of their visit was to provide healthcare for the people in Southern Sudan.
Health is the most serious problem in Sudan. About 75% of the population has no access to the most basic medical care. Southern Sudan has one of the worst rates in the world in the field of health. Malnutrition, intestinal infections, malaria are common diseases in this African country.
In Juba a volunteer physicians provided outpatient care for more than 75 patients, who mainly complained of abdominal pain, fever, had signs of intestinal infections, malaria, dysentery, pneumonia, and pregnant women with complications due to concomitant diseases. All of them were given all necessary medical care and appropriate recommendations related to AIDS prevention.
Professor Adil Mammadov conducted several surgeries for patients with maxillofacial pathology.



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