PACE officials meet Azerbaijan`s minister of Justice

The visiting PACE Monitoring Committee co-rapporteurs for Azerbaijan Joseph Debono Grech and Pedro Agramount met with the Minister of Justice, chairman of the Legal-Judicial Council Fikret Mammadov here, the Ministry`s press service said. 
According to the co-rapporteurs, Azerbaijan efficiently cooperates with the Council of Europe. The country does a lot for democratization of society, protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, propagation of the principles of humanism. A special National Plan of Actions on protection of human rights endorsed by the head of state last year is underway in the republic, what was particularly underlined by the PACE officers.
The meeting also focused on the state of implementation of the country`s obligations taken before the Council of Europe, the procedure of the election of judges in Azerbaijan conducted by support of the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) and the European Union.
PACE officials were given detailed information on national legislation, administrative justice and other questions.



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