Baku hosts constituent congress of Islamic Countries Youth Entrepreneurs Network

On November 22nd the constituent congress of the Islamic Countries Youth Entrepreneurs Network, ICYEN started in Baku bringing together about 150 young businessmen. 
The two-day congress is co-organised by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, Islamic Conference Youth Forum for Dialogue and Cooperation, ICYF-DC and Azerbaijani Government.
Congratulatory speeches at the congress was delivered Vice president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, General Coordinator of ICYF-DC Leyla Aliyeva, ICYF-DC Secretary General Elshad Isgandarov, UN Resident-Coordinator in Azerbaijan Fikret Akchura, President of Ibrahim Assiciates company Ibrahim Azim.
A congratulatory letter of OIC Secretary General Ekmaladdin Ihsanoglu was read out at the event.
The award "Ten young Muslims who can change the world" founded at the initiative of General Coordinator of ICYF-DC Leyla Aliyeva for encouraging young businessmen of OIC member states was presented at the congress. It was presented to young Muslims under 30, who achieved important successes in the fields of business, arts, sports and protection of environment.
Speaking in the event, Ms. Aliyeva pointed out importance of the meeting for gathering young businessmen and discussing their role in economy. She expressed hope that the event would contribute to improving skills of young businessmen living in Azerbaijan and other countries. Youth Entrepreneurs Network will create new opportunities for young businessmen of OIC member states, she added.



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