Memory medal bestowed upon AzerTAc correspondent

A special reception on occasion of the ambassador of Azerbaijan Yashar Aliyev's termination of mission to the United States was organized by the United States- Azerbaijan Trade Chamber at Four Seasons hotel in Washington on November 15. 
Representatives of the US Department of State, US Congress and other organizations, diplomats and Azeri Diaspora activists attended the reception.
The ambassador Yashar Aliyev conferred memory medal founded by the Embassy of Azerbaijan to the United States on a number of personalities for their impacts in development of Azerbaijan - United States relations. AzerTAc's correspondent in the United States Shafag Mehraliyeva was among the recipients of the medal. Conferring the medal on AzerTAc correspondent, Yashar Aliyev expressed gratitude to Shafag Mehraliyeva for her contributions to the development of the U.S. - Azerbaijan relations.
The medal is made of bronze and features Azerbaijan national arms and inscription on the obverse side and the map of Azerbaijan and inscription on the reverse side.



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