Azerbaijan becomes full member of European Youth Parliament

Azerbaijan has become a full member of the European Youth Parliament, EYP. The decision was made at the Parliament`s meeting held on November 11-13 in Berlin.
The EYP represents a non-partisan and independent educational project which is tailored specifically to the needs of the young European citizen.
The EYP encourages independent thinking and socio-political initiative in young people and facilitates the learning of crucial social and professional skills. Since its inauguration, many tens of thousands of young people have taken part in regional, national and international sessions, formed friendships and made international contacts across and beyond borders. The EYP has thus made a vital contribution towards uniting Europe.
Today, the EYP is one of the largest European platforms for political debate, intercultural encounters, political educational work and the exchange of ideas among young people in Europe. The EYP consists of a network of 35 European associations and organizations in which thousands of young people are active in a voluntary capacity.



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