Azerbaijan`s first lady attends VIIth International Congress of Victims of Terrorism in Paris

On September 15th Azerbaijan`s first lady Mehriban Aliyeva attended the VIIth International Congress of Victims of Terrorism in the French capital.
The Congress is held by the French Association of Victims of Terrorism in partnership with the International Observatory for the Victims of Terrorism (CEU) under the patronage of French President Nicolas Sarkozy.
The event was opened by Guillaume Denoix de Saint Marc, director general of the French Association of Victims of Terrorism, who said the Heydar Aliyev Foundation was among the Congress` partners.
He said Azerbaijan showed a particular interest in the Congress, lauding the establishment of a terror victims association in Azerbaijan.
De Saint Marc said he visited Baku to meet with terror victims.
First lady Mehriban Aliyeva made a speech at the event.



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