“Combating gender-based violence” conference starts in Baku

Azerbaijan’s State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs, the United Nations Population Fund and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) have co-organized a conference on the theme “Combating gender-based violence” in Baku.

In her opening speech, chairperson of the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs of Azerbaijan Hijran Huseynova noted that one of the main objectives of the project is to create a coordination council of relevant bodies to protect victims of domestic violence as well as to develop the National Action Plan.

Huseynova highly appreciated the latest achievements in the field of protecting the rights of women and children, ensuring gender equality, strengthening the fight against domestic violence, describing them as a result of political support of President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva.

Touching on the preparation of the draft "Family Strategy" and "National Action Plan to Combat Domestic Violence", Huseynova underlined that these documents will cover the areas of struggle against selective abortions, early marriages and domestic violence.

“One of the priority areas of existing laws is the prevention of domestic violence. Today, women already enjoy strong state protection. However, the adoption of laws is not enough, and their implementation is also important,” the chairperson said.

She drew the audience`s attention to the judicial decisions emphasizing them as necessary in referring to the laws and conventions adopted in this sphere. “Apart from the laws of the country, judges must also be aware of international documents that our state has acceded to and must use these legal acts in the course of adjudicating decisions.”


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