The State Labour Inspectorate Service has provided the payment of delayed payments of social character in the amount of 94 563 manats to the employees by the employers

As a result of actions taken by the State Labour Inspectorate Service under the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan according to citizens' appeals, in the nine months of the current year, the payment of delayed payments of social character in the amount of 94 563 manats has been provided by employers to the employees.

93.3 percent of these funds consisted of delayed salaries, 4.2 percent of social benefits and compensations to be paid by employers, and the rest the payments for damages. Measures have been taken in accordance with the legislation based on the appeals of individual citizens for their illegal release and persons who have been dismissed illegally were reinstated in their former jobs. Within the framework of these activities, explanations were given on the basis of legislation on guarantees of remuneration of labour to relevant employers, forms, rules and terms of remuneration, payment of wages on substitution, legal grounds for termination of labour contract, etc.

Also during the reporting period, awareness-raising activities on the norms and standards occupational safety, safety and health at work among employers have been carried out by the State Labour Inspectorate Service. Awareness-raising activities on child rights in the field of labour relations were also continued. For this purpose, iInformation about the minimum age for employment of children in the labour legislation of our country, additional guarantees and discounts reflected in the legislation for employees under the age of 18 was given in the events held on the topic "The fight against child labour exploitation and forced labour" in Baku and in different regions of our republic.

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