14.3 thousand persons are covered by the social service system by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population

The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan currently provides 14,300 people with social services in mobile and stationary conditions.

1 089 of them are those who live at social service enterprises of the State Social Protection Fund under the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population in constant social security. Special attention and care of President Mr.Ilham Aliyev to the social protection of the population has allowed the strengthening comprehensive provision of those living at social service enterprises, creation conditions that meet the modern requirements in these enterprises. At the same time, exemplary living and rehabilitation conditions have been created at social service facilities for children with limited health within the framework of the "Development of Children's Home and Boarding Schools" program of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation.

Social and household services have been rendered to 11,209 lonely elder persons and persons with disabilities of those provided social services by social workers of the State Social Protection Fund in a mobile form. Social workers at least twice a week come to the homes of lonely elderly and disabled people, render services such as cleaning and renovation works in households, meal preparation, the purchase of necessary food, industrial and household items and etc.

In addition to the above mentioned, more than 2,000 children with disabilities and who are in a socially dangerous  condition are provided with rehabilitative social services within the framework of projects implemented under the social orders of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population. Relevant activities are being carried out to prevent children from falling into state-run children's institutions on the basis of these priority projects identified by the Ministry, as well as providing access to social services for children and families living in difficult conditions.

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