More than 8.8 million times appeals have been registered in the Electronic Information System on Notification of Labour Contract

In June of the current year, 279 438 appeals have been received to the Electronic Information System on Notification of Labour Contract of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan, which is almost twice as much as in the same period last year.

239 316 of the appeals were related to the "Registration of notifications of labour contract and provision of information to employer about it" e-service, 16 808 to the "Obtaining information on notifications of labour contract by employees" e-service, while the rest to the "A reference on the place of business" e-service.

The Electronic Information System on Notification of Labour Contract serves clearance and transparency of labour relations and changes occurring in these relations through electronic registration. The system also allows employees to learn about the notifications included the system about them, to form the information they need as an electronic document or print out in paper form. This system, which is the fundamental means of ensuring the rights of employees and employers arising from legislation, at the same time contributes to the comprehensive registration of labour relations and the formation of a database reflecting the real situation in this area.

It is no coincidence that the Electronic Information System on Notification of Labour Contract is currently appreciated as one of the most progressive experiences in the world. Last month, this system was awarded the "Champion Project" by the International Telecommunication Union, a UN specialized agency.

More than 8.8 million appeals have been registered in the Electronic Information System on Notification of Labour Contract, distinguished by a large contingent of users on "E-government" portal since July 2014.

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