It has been appealed to "A reference on the place of business" e-service of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population 587.7 thousand times

Last month, 23,314 applications have been registered in the "A reference on the place of business" e-service submitted by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan over the "Electronic government" portal. Totally, this e-service has been used 134,835 times in the first six months of the current year, which is 51.4 percent more than in the same period last year.

The Electronic Information System on Notification of Labour Contract launched by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population since July 2014 has created a comprehensive database of all labour relations existing between labor and employers on labour contracts. One of the advantages of the system is the fact that every employee has access to electronic information at any time about the employment contract concluded with him (her). On this basis, "A reference on the place of business" e-service, which was launched in December of the same year, allowed citizens to obtain e-reference about their place of work in real-time, either for a general purpose or for a specific organization. They can submit this reference electronically to the relevant body or print them in paper form.

Thus, after the introduction of this e-service, there was no need for any employee to apply to the employer for the purpose of obtaining this reference. Institutions where a reference on the place of business is required prefer submission of the reference just in electronic form. Because they can verify the accuracy of the information reflected in such e-references, and the accuracy of the individual data through the special service on the portal.

It has been appealed to "A reference on the place of business" e-service, which was launched in December 2014, 587 706 times until July 01, 2017.

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