The minister of labour and social protection of population Salim Muslumov met with the ILO Director-General Guy Ryder

The minister of labour and social protection of population of the Republic of Azerbaijan SalimMuslumov attending the 106th session of the International Labour Conference held in Geneva (Swiss Confederation) with the participation of  government officials of member states and social partners of the International Labour Organization (ILO) met with the ILO Director-General Guy Ryder.

At the meeting, S.Muslumov emphasized that the efficient use of labour resources, provision of decent living and workplace of every citizen is an important component of the country's socio-economic development concept.
The minister said that each of the four strategic objectives envisaged in Strategic Road Map on the country's economic prospects includes the employment factor.

S.Muslumov emphasized that active policy towards the protection of labour rights, provision of decent work is carried out in the country, gave information about the Commission for Regulation and Coordination of Labour Relations established by the relevant Order of the head of state. He noted activities of the Commission aimed at important goals such as strengthening social protection of employees, clearance of employer-employee relations, improving control mechanisms for the organization of labour payment.
The minister stated that the studies of establishment of unemployment insurance system are carried out in Azerbaijan as one of the important components of the social protection system.

Bringing to the attention the reforms carried out in the field of labour, employment, social protection, the newly created automated management and service systems in Azerbaijan, in recent years, S.Muslumov emphasized that special importance to cooperation with the ILO in improvement of the work areas is given, ties during the previous period were constantly expanded.
Noting special attention is paid to the implementation of the ILO's criteria for self-employment program, the minister highly appreciated the ILO's support successful implementation of this program, especially in the creation of internationally certified trainers. S.Muslumov praised the joint work carried out with the ILO in the field of implementation of self-employment program, as well as drafting the country's new Employment Strategy, as a continuation of the successful cooperation.

G. Ryder expressed his satisfaction with the ever expanding cooperation of the organization that he headed with Azerbaijan, the positive results of reforms carried out in the field of labour and employment. Noting the signing of "Decent Work Country Program for the years 2016-2020" as a new stage of cooperation, the ILO Director-General expressed confidence that successful results will be achieved in the country in the field of resolution of issues arising from the Program. G. Ryder emphasized that expansion of the active laboru market measures, creation of conditions for self- employment activities of unemployed and job seeker people is commendable.

At the meeting, views on further cooperation between Azerbaijan and the ILO were exchanged.

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