In 4 months of the current year, the organization of vocational training and further education courses and career-oriented measures of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population have covered nearly 47.8 thousand persons

The organization of vocational training and further education courses by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan and career-oriented measures for young people have covered nearly 47.8 thousand persons in 4 months of the current year.

Thus, in January-April of this year, 1 603 people (Including 1 547 people by the State Employment Service under the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population, 56 people in Vocational Rehabilitation Center for young people  with limited health No. 1of the ministry)  have been involved in vocational training and further education courses. Computer users, tailor, electrician, furniture fitter, confectioner, electric welder, car repairman, accountant operator, carpet weaver, hairdresser, and other professions were trained to citizens in the courses. 132 of those involved in the courses consisted of persons with disabilities. Vocational certificates have been given graduates after completion of vocational training and further education courses.

In the mentioned period, 46 161 young people consisting of mainly upper class of students have been involved in career-oriented events held in order to support young people in the choice of appropriate profession and qualification by the State Employment Service. It was stressed that the choice of appropriate profession and qualification by young people in career-oriented events held with the participation of parents in some cases, is one of the important factors in their integration into the labour market in the future. Information on the demand for professions and qualifications in the labour market, career-oriented advice was given to participants in the events.

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