Over 1,400 foreigners violated Azerbaijan’s administrative legislation in March

In March 2017 as many as 1,412 foreigners violated requirements of Azerbaijan’s administrative legislation for a failure to observe the rules of stay, temporary and permanent residence in the country, the State Migration Service told APA.  

Lost documents of 20 foreigners for temporary or permanent residence were replaced with new ones. The residence of 190 people was legalized.  

Of them, 839 were fined and 327 others were fined and ordered to leave the territory of Azerbaijan.

In total during the month the State Migration Service received 7,487 applications on extension of temporary staying period, granting temporary and permanent residence permissions, adoption, revocation and restoration of citizenship, as well as establishment of citizenship and determination of refugee status, issuing work permits for carrying out labor activity and extending period of existing work permits from foreigners and stateless persons. Each application was investigated in accordance with Azerbaijan’s legislation and relevant decisions were made.

In March the State Migration Service held 15 educational events in different districts of the country and offered mobile services.


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