Patricia Espinosa: We are in a very fortunate situation since the Paris Agreement was adopted

The Paris Agreement on climate change remains a momentous diplomatic success, universally supported by all countries when it was adopted in 2015 at a United Nations conference, and as of today, it has been ratified by 141 nations, surpassing the threshold for its entry into force.

According to UN News Service, the countries ambitious and inspiring commitments set out a global action plan to put the world on track to avoid dangerous climate change and shape how our planet will look tomorrow, and what we are going to leave behind for future generations.

The United Nations continues to receive examples of innovative climate action by governments, and over the past few weeks, for example India has announced bans on highly polluting vehicles while new research showed that solar power capacity globally grew 50 per cent in 2016, led by the United States and China.

This governmental momentum continues to be underpinned by companies, investors, cities, regions and territories including now many major oil companies who’s CEOs have in recent weeks publicly spoken out in support of the Paris Agreement.

The UN framework support of the world’s climate agenda continues to encourage Parties to implement and achieve their aims and ambitions under the Paris Agreement.

Patricia Espinosa Cantellano of Mexico is the Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). She said: “We have 141 ratifications, which is really unprecedented for any multilateral treaty like the Paris Agreement. We are in a very fortunate situation since the Paris Agreement was adopted. We have now seen a really long list of countries ratifying the Agreement. As of today, we have 141 ratifications, which is really unprecedented for any multilateral treaty like the Paris Agreement.

Only 16 months after its adoption, to have this really long, long list of ratifying countries from all regions of the world is a very encouraging sign. That means political support at the highest level is there; and not only that but also businesses, groups of civil society, scientists – everybody continues to be very active and engaged with the agenda that arrives from the Paris Agreement.”


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