Number of Azerbaijani population announced

As of February 1, 2017 the number of Azerbaijani population increased 6,100 people or 0.1% to 9,816,100, the State Statistical Committee said.

According to State Statistical Committee, density of population made 113 persons in 1 km². Each 1,000 men are equal to 1,006 women. 53% of population are in cities, 47% in villages.

In January 2017, 12,200 babies, including 202 twins, 3 triplets, were born in the country. Of this, 53% are boys, 47% - girls,


At the same time, 6,100 deaths were recorded in the reporting period.


 In January 2017 4,300 marriages and 1,100 divorces were recorded. 146 persons appealed to the State Migration Service to live in Azerbaijan, 97 persons left the country.



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